Some people have their fair share of encounters when it comes to the supernatural being. Probably others have encountered an eerie feeling, seen a ghost, or, the worst, have been possessed. Experts say that spirits still linger in the human world because they have unfinished business, are waiting for someone, or don't know that they're dead. Most of the time, these spirits linger in the last place where they are seen alive, their favorite spot, or in old areas. America's first Military Academy is not exempted from having these kinds of events, as there are a lot of West Point ghost stories from the people who experienced it firsthand.
West Point Ghost Stories and Encounters
This institution is the oldest and an active Army post before it became a Military Academy in 1802. The main purpose of its establishment is to guard the Hudson River during the Revolutionary War.
With its rich history and age, it holds a lot of stories, especially the spooky ones. Aside from its pride and joy in terms of producing quality graduates, the academy is being transformed, especially at night. This is due to its unusual inhabitants. Some say that these special residents have been stuck for decades in the four corners of the academy.
The Superintendent's House
This is also known as the Quarters 100. For outsiders, it might be a normal structure, but for paranormal experts, it is an excellent spot for West Point ghost stories. Based on several accounts, there are two permanent spirit residents that have been inhabiting this area to this day.
In 1972, Former Superintendent Lt. Gen. William A. Knowlton invited the clairvoyants Ed and Lorraine Warren to investigate and perform a séance. During the Warrens' stay at the house, they were able to sense spirits, especially in Quarters 100. The most notable resident was Molly. She usually knocked wine bottles to the floor or wrinkled bed linens.
Other people say that although Molly is misbehaving, it does not mean any harm and is more playful than hurtful in nature. Lorraine mentioned when they had done the investigation that Geer is also a playful spirit, and he is the one responsible for moving the various objects in the home. An example is when the former superintendent and his wife stayed there. They woke up to find a wallet that belonged to another person in their bed. They believed that this was what the man's spirit was doing.
The Warrens describe Geer as a slender and tall guy who is wearing a gray uniform. It was also communicated that he is carrying the heavy burden of committing a murder, which is probably the reason why his spirit hasn't moved on yet.
When the former superintendent asked the librarians to do their own investigation, they were able to find several African American men who went through West Point with Geer's name. One of the best fits that they were able to find was Lawrence Geer, a Buffalo soldier who turned out to be a criminal.
Room 4714 Pusher
Another noteworthy West Point Ghost Story is the one living in room 4714. The first encounter with this ghost happened in 1972 when Jim O'Connor and his roommate Victor noticed that the temperature in their room suddenly plummeted. To double-check everything, they went to the room's radiator, and to their surprise, there was a silhouette of a man's torso that was floating above it.
A few before this, they encountered the same ghost at the room's latrine; when O'Connor was trying to take a shower, his robe began to swing, then the water suddenly turned cold, and then the robe stopped swinging. When he adjusted the water temperature, the robe started to swing again.
Victor, on the other hand, experienced a different thing. He usually uses the toilet in the middle of the night. When he was done doing his business and turned around, he suddenly saw a man who was sitting in the toilet. He describes the man as a 5-foot-6 figure who is in a gray uniform and is holding a Civil War Bayonet. The man's eyes were pure white. When they stood up, Victor began to run from the room.
The Lady at Quarters 107B
This was an experience from various cadets saying that "the Lady" resides at 107B. There was once a professor and his wife who was living there, however, they were hit with a tragedy when the wife became severely ill in the 1920s. To help the couple, the mother of the young lady came to live with them. However, the mother and the professor had an affair that devastated the young lady, leading to her death.
West Point ghost stories say that on her deathbed, she made her husband vow not to remarry her mother, but after her last breath, the promise was broken.
Due to this, it was reported that her soul gripped into this world in the hope of finding peace. Witnesses mentioned that they experience items being thrown or turned upside down. Past tenants also mentioned that they experience hearing sounds at night, like someone riding huge wheels across the wooden floor.
There are probably more West Point ghost stories, but most of them are not being shared. These spirits mean no harm. Sometimes, they just want to send a message, or they have an unfinished agenda that they want to attend to.
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