Military service often forces families to relocate, leading to career challenges for military spouses. This includes employment gaps, irregular career paths, and stereotypes about military families that hinder their chances of securing stable, long-term jobs. These challenges also limit opportunities for networking, mentorship, and career advancement, further hurting work prospects with milspouses. To address this, the Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot (MSCAP) was created to help military spouses find paid fellowships across various industries.
At first, the program was available for those with established careers; however, new expansions are bringing more opportunities to milspouses who have just begun their careers as well.
What Is the MSCAP?
Available to military spouses from all U.S. military branches, including active, reserve, and National Guard components, the MSCAP offers 12-week paid fellowships with employers across various industries at many different locations.
Fellows receive hands-on training, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
When connecting milspouses, where you live, your experience, and whether or not you are able to meet the role’s commitments are all considered.
There are opportunities available both onsite and remotely.
The matching process considers your location, work experience, and ability to commit among other factors. Fellowship opportunities are available in person and remotely.
Milspouses who perform well in the MSCAP program, and fit with their host company, may be offered a direct hire position at the end of the fellowship.
Participants are matched with employers based on their education, experience, and the company’s needs.
You can find opportunities throughout the United States. For military spouses living in an OCONUS location, it’s recommended to apply when PCSing back stateside.
Military spouses can apply at any time as fellowship opportunities are constantly being added throughout the year.
This is an ongoing effort to provide more opportunities whenever they become available.
Note: If you are stationed in an OCONUS location, Hiring Our Heroes is an alternative military spouse fellowship program, which may be a better fit.
Applying to the Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot Program
If you’re interested in becoming a MSCAP military spouse, your first step is to simply apply.
On the Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot registration page, you’ll find the portal that guides you to your application.
You’re going to need to have your DS Logon account information ready when you apply. You'll also answer a few questions as part of the process.
The Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot program is going on through December 2025, and everyone who is eligible is being encouraged to apply at any time.
If you are not accepted for a fellowship, you will be put into the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program.
SECO connects milspouses with career coaches to help them bolster their chances of earning employment.
New Programs and Resources Introduced to MSCAP
In year two of its three-year projected timeline, the MSCAP continues to evolve by expanding its offerings to milspouses.
Now, fellowships will include entry-level jobs to bolster those who are just starting out in their careers.
Until this expansion, most of the program has focused on those who already had established careers.
By expanding to military spouses with little to no experience, the MSCAP is helping more people get their foot in the door.
So far, such DoD fellowship opportunities have been connected to the tax and insurance industries; however, there are many industries that are part of the program as a whole.
In 2023 alone, more than 80% of the 400 milspouses that were a part of the program moved on from their fellowships and into permanent employment with an average salary of around $60,000.
For a decade, unemployment for military spouses has lingered around 21%. This is much higher than the 4.9% average unemployment rate for civilians within the same timeframe.
In addition to providing expanded DoD fellowship opportunities for entry-level workers, the program is aiming to better understand unemployment rates and implement better tracking using new tools, technology, and AI.
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